06 October, 2012

Saturday's Life stories - October 7, 2013

I woke up at 11.30 am. today this morning. 
I woke up because of my mil open the door and tell she bought curry puff for me .. so, I wake up and make my bed then go to the kitchen room to eat curry puff. 
After i grab something to eat i faster go shower and go out... 
Today is my off day so I plan to go shopping alone at Bugis. ^^ so long never shopping.

so, today is my shopping day!!

First mission... went to Gold Heart Shop to polish my ring. 

After finish i walked to Bugis street to find Isabelle's shop.
I bought 5 pieces from Isabelle's shop and the rest i bought from other shop ^^

And this is summary what i got today from Bugis street.

Bambi Polka Dot Top $10

 Shirt $18, Short Plant $10

From Isabelle's shop can not remember the price ^^" but very cheap not expensive :)

From Isabelle's shop can not remember the price ^^" but very cheap not expensive :)

 From Isabelle's shop can not remember the price ^^" but very cheap not expensive :)

Total I spent 100 ++ for today ..., But It's ok because not every month go out to shopping.

After back from bugis, i rest at home and waited my hubby back from work. We had a dinner together with family at temple.

I took one photo post in instagram before went to Temple. Please notice little neice Nariko... Wah ! imitated me :D

  Simply adorable posed from little niece ^^

 Reach the temple ^^ , not really hot because of had one fan above me only.
This year got the dinner table much more better than last year.

I can not eat prawn >.<"

this is the last dish and it's a most yummy tonight  lol .

and last dish was dessert... which i did not took a photo because my phone ran of out battery :(

hubby spent 200 + at temple .. I hope he can have a luck in his business and life ^^

I finished dinner about 11.00 pm. Everybody in my family so tried....
Luckily that tomorrow is sunday so, I can wake up late on tomorrow ^^. 

Now, it's 1.55 am. ,I've to go to bed .... Good night ! have a sweet dream.  :D

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