08 October, 2012

Hello! lazy Monday 08 Oct, 2012 please down faster.

Hello! lazy Monday 08 Oct, 2012

I Woke up 7.20 am while my hubby still slept beside me...
It's very good for him to have off day every Monday, at least he no need to have Monday
Blue feeling.

Today i wear a polka dot bambi shirt that just bought from Bugis on Saturday.
It's already washed  and cleaned before wear by my self on Sunday lol. Honestly tell u that this is my first time washed cloth by my self just because of i want to wear it on this Monday :) but it's alright it's not a big deal i can do it by myself no problem!

Today, not much thing to do at Office, but i need to go out run some errand at  Mauboussin Shop at  Mandarin Gallery, Orchard Road  to took the photo shoot stocks tomorrow back to office... because tomorrow i need to go out to have photo shoot with Her World Magazine. Tomorrow must go to photo shoot again ... so boring ! waiting at studio doing nothing !!

I try to skipped my lunch but can not ==" . It's better if i accompanied intern to had lunch together so that he can have one friend to chit chat. I brought him to ate Salad Stop for lunch. I order Classic cesar salad  turkey ham.
look yummy! It's a healthy food, I agree but it's expensive. This bowl cost me $12. but not everyday eat so, I am still ok to pay $12 for healthy salad.

 Classic cesar salad  turkey ham

After finished my lunch , I keep sitting in office nothing to do ... It's a boring day! I wish today can finish faster...  
please !! ...

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